Thanks so much for your suggestions, Sophie. You’ve given me a lot to consider. I enjoy creative writing, but not essay writing, so that’s my main conundrum with Substack. And figuring out what belongs on my blog or newsletter and what would belong here without repeating myself is tricky. I will definitely start an idea list for all thre…
Thanks so much for your suggestions, Sophie. You’ve given me a lot to consider. I enjoy creative writing, but not essay writing, so that’s my main conundrum with Substack. And figuring out what belongs on my blog or newsletter and what would belong here without repeating myself is tricky. I will definitely start an idea list for all three and see if I can sort it out. It’s nice to know that monthly posting is enough, though. That actually sounds possible for me! 😊
Thanks so much for your suggestions, Sophie. You’ve given me a lot to consider. I enjoy creative writing, but not essay writing, so that’s my main conundrum with Substack. And figuring out what belongs on my blog or newsletter and what would belong here without repeating myself is tricky. I will definitely start an idea list for all three and see if I can sort it out. It’s nice to know that monthly posting is enough, though. That actually sounds possible for me! 😊