Thank you both for answering my letter about ‘Therapists Corner’ and building a community online - so much great advice i’ve taken lots of notes. I’m ready to keep on dancing on the dancefloor for a bit longer it totally feels like that too !

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I'm so glad it was supportive for you Sarah! :)

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Not fully listened to the episode yet but too excited to hear about the founding member tier! 💛 Such a great idea. Never signed up for something so quickly! 😂

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Eeee so excited you've joined us Hannah! 💛

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Thanks for this episode! And thanks to Sarah for her letter. :) I will go with this idea of letting people come and go as we as leaders also grow, and with this motto 'live your magic'. Great!

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So glad you enjoyed the episode, Marion! :)

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Loved this episode. As always. How do we pay to subscribe and see the tiered bit ? I can’t find a nifty button?! I’m a nifty loser when it comes to even the easiest of tech! 🤪

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Thank you x

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Another gorgeous episode, thank you. I didn’t expect this episode to be super relevant for me as I’m not running a group membership or planning to, but I guess that we’re all building our little communities around what we do here and in other platforms and there was so much that I loved in this. All we can do is live our magic out loud and our people will find us and we’ll find them 🥰🥰🥰

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This was such a great episode. Thank you, Sarah, for asking this question! I’ve never built a community, but I am hoping to, so I took lots of notes. The community building challenge sounds like exactly what I need right now. I will definitely be joining the paid tier!

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I really enjoyed this episode! I have signed up for a year - REALLY want to grow my audience so timing feels perfect!

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Jen, I’m completely sure it was clear. It’s my brain that isn’t! 🤣🤣🤣

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