Fran of Woollen Hearted, who I met through Sara's InstaRetreat recommended it and in the first few minutes it sparked so many ideas for me about how I could change how I'm using Substack for my business instead of Instagram.
Fran of Woollen Hearted, who I met through Sara's InstaRetreat recommended it and in the first few minutes it sparked so many ideas for me about how I could change how I'm using Substack for my business instead of Instagram.
Currently I cringe with my past use of Substack so instead I am on Instagram all the ding dang day.
I have put most of my time and effort in the Instagram platform as a designer who teaches women how to unleash their creativity to make the frocks of their dreams
...but what I really teach is a healthy spoonful of self love, letting go of all the universal disappointment in what we aren't so we can grab ahold of the life we dream of. What platform should I be using for that gals? Ha!
I've struggled with how to use and work with my regular newsletter versus Substack as well.
What I do is very very visual, but I'm not a photographer.
What I do has a good amount of writing that goes alongside it, but I'm not a writer per se.
Would love to hear thoughts and since Sara said to come on over and cry for help, here I am!
Actually - wanted to come back on here and say that you both so inspired me that I ended up reformatting my substack plan, and stayed up last night writing a substack about this episode (I linked to you & talked about both of you) and why I'll be doing things differently, so thank you so much for all you do, truly!!!
Ouf, I really really appreciated this episode.
It was a does of good medicine.
Fran of Woollen Hearted, who I met through Sara's InstaRetreat recommended it and in the first few minutes it sparked so many ideas for me about how I could change how I'm using Substack for my business instead of Instagram.
Currently I cringe with my past use of Substack so instead I am on Instagram all the ding dang day.
I have put most of my time and effort in the Instagram platform as a designer who teaches women how to unleash their creativity to make the frocks of their dreams
...but what I really teach is a healthy spoonful of self love, letting go of all the universal disappointment in what we aren't so we can grab ahold of the life we dream of. What platform should I be using for that gals? Ha!
I've struggled with how to use and work with my regular newsletter versus Substack as well.
What I do is very very visual, but I'm not a photographer.
What I do has a good amount of writing that goes alongside it, but I'm not a writer per se.
Would love to hear thoughts and since Sara said to come on over and cry for help, here I am!
Ever grateful for you and this podcast!
Actually - wanted to come back on here and say that you both so inspired me that I ended up reformatting my substack plan, and stayed up last night writing a substack about this episode (I linked to you & talked about both of you) and why I'll be doing things differently, so thank you so much for all you do, truly!!!