Three Mini Workshops For You & Your Business
Being fully booked for a decade, opting out of industry norms that don't serve you, + harnessing your entrepreneurial spirit during slow seasons...
Hello 👋🏻 Jen here today with three mini workshops to support you to bring more ease, joy, and intentional growth into your business.
Every month I create a free mini workshop for my email community and I thought that I’d share some of the recent ones here with you today in the hopes that they can be supportive and encouraging for you too…
Mini Workshop 1: How I’ve Been Fully Booked For A Decade
Mini Workshop 2: This Is Your Permission Slip To Opt-Out Of Industry Norms That Don’t Serve You
Mini Workshop 3: How To Harness Your Entrepreneurial Spirit During Slow Seasons
And if you ever want to dive deeper into what a simple, spacious, and thriving business looks like for you in a way that honours your humanness too? I have an awesome 3-part deep dive kit that’s 100% free for you to work through at whatever pace works best for you.
I’m rooting for you every step of the way and look out for a new LFAHC episode soon!
Until next time,